๐Jolita is offering Health Coaching via Face time, Skype, Phone, if you are looking to keep your diet in check, looking to eat healthier while working from home it can be easy to start snacking on things you should not be eating, maybe you are looking to loose weight. Need someone to talk to, not sure what to do in your personal life, relationships, unsure about your career and finances. Schedule an overall Wellness Check Up Session. Look for Wellness Coaching in On-line Booking.
๐Also You Can Book Your Complimentary Skin Care Evaluation too via Face Time or Skype App if you do not use an iPhone or regular voice call. Phone consults available at least until April 15. We will call you on the phone and any other instructions provided. Choose: Complimentary Skin Care Routine Evaluation/Consultation/Professional Product Recommendation. You can book online!
๐As well as virtual Private FaceTime or Skype Make Up Lessons! Learn how to better pick and match make up, how to apply, step by step customized for your needs! Look for Make Up Class in online booking.
-Brilliant Massage & Skin, Burlington, Vermont