Appreciate Your Employees

Christmas decor with gift card: text: massage and spa gift certificates this holiday season You know that your business wouldn’t function so well without the dedicated team you have on board. So why don’t you spoil your employees with a thoughtful gift this holiday season?

But a thoughtful gift for one person may not suit another. You can’t buy candy or other delicious festive treats because you don’t know if you have a vegan staff member, are lactose intolerant, nut-allergic, or dieting. Alcohol won’t work either. Many people opt not to drink alcohol these days, and others may not drink for religious reasons. A Christmas cash bonus isn’t very imaginative and will appear like a last-minute gesture. So, what’s a thoughtful gift that everyone will appreciate?

Massage and Spa Gift Certificates this Holiday Season

Well, it’s hard to go wrong with a massage and spa gift certificate. Unsure? Well, here are a few reasons why they are a great idea.

If you give all of your staff members a gift certificate for a massage or spa center with a range of different treatment options, they get to choose their gift. Some people might love the idea of massage and jump straight onto the massage couch, but others could be shy and prefer to select a clothed option – a facial or head massage, for example. Some may have a health issue they want to address, so a reflexology session or even acupuncture or other holistic therapies could benefit them.

That point leads us to the health option. Indulgent food and drink is a popular gift choice (while a free gym subscription probably isn’t), but you want to look after your employees’ health, don’t you? Go for the middle ground and give them all massage gift certificates for Christmas, and you are giving them a gift that keeps on giving. Nobody wants to be stressed out, uptight, and poorly staffed members. Introducing them to the benefits of massage therapy could be one of the best things you can do for their wellbeing, and they will thank you for it.

Appreciate Your Staff this Christmas

Did we mention staff loyalty? If you show that you’ve put real thought into buying Christmas gifts for your work crew so that they feel appreciated and cared about, you are more likely to get a loyal team on your side next year. A thoughtful gift like a massage or spa gift certificate shows that you value your workforce and care about their health. The people receiving these certificates will appreciate the thought that went into them, and when they are having their treatments, they will enjoy you even more!

Don’t forget your own Christmas treat too, when you buy your gift certificate. You should also buy yourself a massage simultaneously, just because you are a lovely boss and you deserve some TLC at this busy time of year. Call us now or book for a massage or facial treat for your own.

Contact us for more details on the massage and spa gift certificate discount that you’ll be giving to your loyal and ever-trusted team members.


Brilliant Massage & Skin

Burlington, Vermont