kid with pooh stuff toys having a reflexology: text: Reflexology for kids

Reflexology for Kids

Reflexology for Kids

kid with pooh stuff toys having a reflexology: text: Reflexology for kids When the kids are cranky and playing up, you really need a way to regain our Mom time without resorting to more time out or taking away their iPads AGAIN… Why not give the kids a treat with home reflexology? It’s not too much like hard work, honestly.

Reflexology works on the whole body. It’s usually done to the feet, although it can be carried out on hands, too, and follows a ‘map’ of nerves and channels around the body. It’s a lifesaver if you’re trying to calm down stressed kids. It really works and is drug-free. Just sit them down, bribe them to put their gadgets away for a few minutes, and get their shoes and socks off.

You can also give kids top-up treatment at the start and the end of every day for a great day and a calm night. You don’t have to wait until they are tired and cranky.

Reflexology is also excellent for kids who have specific conditions or symptoms. You’ll need advice from a healthcare provider first, of course. If all you’re dealing with is usual grumpiness or feeling a bit off-color, a reflexology rub can be just the thing for a stressed-out child (and parent).

There’s proper medical evidence to show that a bit of reflexology really does benefit children, even with very young babies. If you have a child with colic or crying for no apparent reason, give reflexology a go.

Reflexology Session for Kids

Using these gentle therapies like reflexology on kids is safe and simple, and they seem to respond positively, more than grown adults, because children are naturally open to new ideas. It also helps that they haven’t usually developed stress or bad habits that adults have, making a reflexology session especially useful.

There are no age limits to reflexology, so anyone from a tiny baby to toddlers and even exam-stressed teen will respond to a session, either professional or DIY. Reflexology helps with physical, mental, and emotional issues, so it is great for the moods and dynamic changes that children go through during puberty.

If you want to learn a few simple techniques to try at home on your kids, watch this useful video.

If you’re interested in booking your children for professional reflexology, make sure you find a qualified reflexologist who has the right insurance for treating and teaching reflexology. BMS can provide that for you. Just give us a call to secure your appointment. And don’t forget yourself – book yourself in for treatment too!

Brilliant Massage & Skin

Burlington, Vermont