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Is Your Pain Acute or Chronic? Is Your Skin Condition Not Improving? When to see a professional besides massage or facials?

Is Your Pain Acute or Chronic? Is Your Skin Condition Not Improving? When to see a professional besides massage therapy and esthetics services? When to see a Doctor or Pain Specialist Whenever pain lasts longer than reasonably expected, it's crucial to treat it to keep it from worsening into chronic pain, he says. For example,…

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Brilliant Massage Therapy is a Graston Technique provider

Massage + Graston M2 Technique Helps Soft Tissue Dysfunction

Massage Incorporating Tools Soft Tissue Mobilization   After completing Graston M1 Basic Tools training and purchasing Graston Tools, (which were not cheap!) I decided to complete final level Graston M2 Technique Training and take the preferred provider test. It was truly a great class. What impressed me the most was how diaphragmatic breathing can improve range of motion. Not…

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whiplash example

Whiplash- Massage In the Proximity Of The Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

Whiplash Whiplash is an acceleration-deceleration injury to the head and neck. Often whiplash can happen from motor vehicle accidents or other activities, like wrestling and other impactful sports. It can cause headaches, necks stiffness, headaches to temples and eyes. Some people experience pain and ringing in ears (tinnitus), headaches to back side of head, and migraines. Sometimes…

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