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Muscle and Tension “Knots”? What is that really?

Knots according to Dictionary: knot 1 nät/ noun plural noun: knots 1. a fastening made by tying a piece of string, rope, or something similar. "tie a knot at the end of the cord" - (not very relatable to the muscle fibers at all) synonyms: tie, twist, loop, bow, hitch, half hitch, clove hitch, join, fastening; More 2. a tangled mass in something such as hair. -(this is…

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Foam Rolling for Sciatica Pain, Tight Hamstrings, Shin Splints, Calfs, Lats Help with Foam Rolling!

Foam Rolling- only a minute a day will make a difference! In the video: Jolita Brilliant demonstrates form rolling. Foam Rolling in a form of a Self Myofascial Release Foam Rolling- self-myofascial release is a fancy term for self-massage to release muscle tightness or trigger points. You can perform this method with a foam roller, lacrosse…

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