Lamprobe for Skin Tag Treatments
Skin tags are very common but harmless small, soft skin growths. They tend to occur on the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin folds, and under the breasts. Though skin tags are harmless, they can be annoying and distracting most of the time. While some people may be more prone to forming…
The Lamprobe is a breakthrough cosmetic innovation that incorporates non-invasive radio and high-frequency technology to treat minor skin abnormalities without penetrating the skin’s surface. The treatment quickly and effectively treat common skin abnormalities, including age spots, keratoses, cherry angiomas, cholesterol deposits, clogged pores, milia, and skin tags. The Lamprobe uses radio and high-frequency…
How Does Chemical Peel Help with Acne?
I love peels. But especially having acneic oily eastern European skin, Peels, Retinol, and Benzoyl Peroxide is my saving grace! But how exactly does a chemical peel help with acne? You do not have to live with acne forever and always. There is help with…