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Massage Away That Exam Stress

Massage Away That Exam Stress

a girl in purple shirt with her hands on her face: text: massage away that exam stressWhen you’re studying for your exams, you’ll probably be burning the candle at both ends. You are trying to cram in as much information as you can in advance of your next exam. Staying up late to revise and stressing in between exams puts a lot of stress on your mind and body. This is the type of stress that can cause you to freeze on exam day.  So how can you learn to relax your mind and body? How can you get into the right frame of mind to smash that exam stress?

This is where you drop as many hints as possible for people to treat you to massages. Claim pre-exam nerves and tell everyone that a massage is recommended for students before the exams start. A relaxed body can help focus and sharpen your mind, which you need at the moment!

Massage is also so good for your well-being. A massage can give your body a relaxing mood once over on a massage couch. It will physically destress and relax you so that the calming hormones you need for mental clarity and well-being come flooding in to help you prepare for the stressful times ahead.

Facing the Exam Stress

You could ask a friend for a back or a shoulder massage. As most of our friends always think, they are great at giving a massage. But they are never anywhere as good as the professionals. A trained professional massage therapist will have treated stress-related stiffness and aches and pains before knowing how to remove that exam stress. If you’ve never had an Indian Head Massage before, these are great for giving you mental focus. This type of massage is still used in India before significant events to improve concentration and reduce anxiety.

It would be best to put your physical and emotional health first when studying for exams. You don’t need us to tell you that exam time is one of the most stressful times of your life. Try and ensure that you give yourself a break from revision, whether for a massage or to get out for a walk, sit in the sunshine (if we get some), and spend time with friends. Revising is important. But you will feel better and find that more information gets retained if you take regular breaks and look after yourself.

Feel better and relaxed before the exam. Call us now or book online for a massage session. Our professional massage therapist can look after all your aches and pain. They know what to do to give you that relaxed feeling before the grand event. Or give your loved ones a treat to a massage session just before their exam week. Buy them an e-gift card for their destressing massage session.

The exams will soon be over! Support your physical and mental health while you’re going through them. You’re more likely to come out the other side feeling as if you’ve done your best and can take on the world.

Good luck!


Brilliant Massage & Skin

Burlington, Vermont

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